Selected actors and stakeholders

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)

International IDEA is an intergovernmental organisation with a mission to support sustainable democracy worldwide. International IDEA produces comparative knowledge in its key areas of expertise: electoral processes, constitution building, political participation and representation and democracy and development, as well as on democracy as it relates to gender, diversity, and conflict and security. Their website can be accessed here.

The Centre for Public Integrity

The Centre for Public Integrity is one of the largest non-partisan, non-profit investigative news organisations in the United States. The centre aims to use investigative journalism tools to bring to light issues on political financing and undue interest in politics. In particular they have a State Influence Hub that aims to expose special interests and influences at the state level. One of the centre’s current projects is called “Consider the Source” which aims to trace the roots of political financing of parties and campaigns during elections. Their website can be accessed here.

The Money, Politics and Transparency Project

The Money, Politics and Transparency Project is a collaboration between the Sunlight Foundation, Global Integrity and the Electoral Integrity Project which aims to generate research, analysis and global norms that civic organisations, elected officials, regulators and the media can use to build more transparent political financing systems in any country. The project currently hosts a compendium of resources related to political financing systems on its website and will offer a visual library of case study publications and of raw data related to political financing. The project aims to gather detailed information related to 50 countries covering various topics in political financing. The project can be accessed here.

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