
Dr. Håkan Tropp works as director for governance capacity development, research and innovation at the Stockholm International Water Institute, SIWI. Tropp has more than 20 years of experience working on water governance and institutional change, natural resources and water policy reform, water economics, rural/urban water and water integrity. He has worked in several regions such as South Asia, Europe and Africa to provide policy advice, programmatic development, research and capacity development to governments and other stakeholders. Some previous work places include OECD, UNDP and UNDESA . Tropp spearheaded and is a founding member of the Water Integrity Network and was its first chair 2006-2010.

Dr. Tropp has a background in political science and economics and was awarded a PhD in Water and Environmental Studies, Linköping University: Tropp, H (1999) Patronage, Politics and Pollution: Precarious NGO-state relationships - urban environmental issues in south India. Tropp has published widely on topics of governance and integrity related to natural resources and environment and led and authored several methodologies and tools on assessing and building capacity on governance and anti-corruption.

Hakan Tropp


Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)

Professional Title



  • Asia Pacific




Anti-corruption prevention, Integrity, Natural resources, Water resources and related services, Irrigation, Land, Climate change and Environment, Water policy and governance innovations, Capacity development, Applied policy research, and Digitalization.

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