
Dr. Kristina S. Weißmüller is an Assistant Professor of Public Administration, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, at Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Her research focuses on three fundamental issues in modern societies worldwide: (1) public sector corruption, (2) bureaucratic rule breaking, and (3) the psychological effects of ‘publicness’ on motivation, leadership, and decision making.

These topics are particularly relevant for citizens’ trust in public institutions and significantly affect social cohesion. With her topical focus on the behavioral micro-level foundations of administrative behavior, as well as her proven expertise in quantitative, experimental, and psychometric research methods, she is an expert in behavioral public administration and anti-corruption research.

Kristina Weißmüller


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Professional Title

Assistant Professor of Public Administration


  • Global
  • Europe and Central Asia




Selected publications:

Weißmüller, Kristina S., & Zuber, Anna (2023). ‘Understanding the micro-foundations of administrative corruption in the public sector: findings from a systematic literature review.’ Public Administration Review. [open access].

Weißmüller, Kristina S., Bouwman, Robin, & Vogel, Rick. (2023). ‘Satisficing or Maximizing in Public-Private Partnerships? A Laboratory Experiment on Strategic Bargaining.’ Public Management Review, 25 (7): 1282-1308,

Maasland, Christian, & Weißmüller, Kristina S. (2022). ‘Blame the Machine? Insights from an Experiment on Algorithm Aversion and Blame Avoidance in Computer-aided Human Resource Management.’ Frontiers in Psychology – Organizational Behavior, 13 (779028): 1-14, [open access]

Weißmüller, Kristina S., & De Waele, Lode. (2022). ‘Would you bribe your lecturer? A quasi-experimental Study on Burnout and Bribery in Higher Education.’ Research in Higher Education, 63 (5): 768–796. [open access]

De Waele, Lode, Weißmüller, Kristina S., & van Witteloostuijn, Arjen. (2021). ‘Bribery and the role of pub-lic service motivation and social value orientation. A multi-site experimental study in Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands.’ Frontiers in Psychology – Organizational Behavior, 12 (655964): 1-13, [open access]

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