Transparency of climate finance flows

Climate finance flows through myriad of multilateral and bilateral instruments, as well as through regional and national channels. Recent years have also seen an increase in the use of public climate funds to leverage private financing.[1] Given the complexity of the funding landscape, tracking climate finance from decision making on the allocation of funds to how and where funding is channelled and the results of investments is a challenging but necessary first step to combatting corruption risks.

There are a number of existing tools to track climate financing commitments and disbursements, such as the Climate Funds Update ( and the International Aid Transparency Initiative ( standard. At the national level, Transparency International chapters in six climate finance recipient countries have tracked international and national flows,[2] and Grupo de Financiamiento Climático para América Latina y el Caribe (GFLAC), has also sought to identify national and international finance flows in four countries in the region.[3]


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