United Nations Convention against Corruption (2003)

  1. Introduction
  2. Anti-Corruption Agencies and Supreme Audit Institutions
  3. Access to Information
  4. Asset Recovery and International Cooperation
  5. Business Integrity
  6. Foreign Bribery and Lobbying
  7. Illicit finance
  8. Protection of whistleblowers
  9. Public Integrity
  10. Tax-related Measures
  11. Other themes

Title of the document

United Nations Convention against Corruption


Issuing body

United Nations

Brief description

This is the only truly global international anti-corruption instrument

Relevant excerpts

Article 6. Preventive anti-corruption body or bodies

1. Each State Party shall, in accordance with the fundamental principles of its legal system, ensure the existence of a body or bodies, as appropriate, that prevent corruption by such means as: (a) Implementing the policies referred to in article 5 of this Convention and, where appropriate, overseeing and coordinating the implementation of those policies; (b) Increasing and disseminating knowledge about the prevention of corruption.

2. Each State Party shall grant the body or bodies referred to in paragraph 1 of this article the necessary independence, in accordance with the fundamental principles of its legal system, to enable the body or bodies to carry out its or their functions effectively and free from any undue influence. The necessary material resources and specialized staff, as well as the training that such staff may require to carry out their functions, should be provided.


  1. Introduction
  2. Anti-Corruption Agencies and Supreme Audit Institutions
  3. Access to Information
  4. Asset Recovery and International Cooperation
  5. Business Integrity
  6. Foreign Bribery and Lobbying
  7. Illicit finance
  8. Protection of whistleblowers
  9. Public Integrity
  10. Tax-related Measures
  11. Other themes


Jorum Duri



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