SADC Protocol against Corruption (2001)

  1. Introduction
  2. Anti-Corruption Agencies and Supreme Audit Institutions
  3. Access to Information
  4. Asset Recovery and International Cooperation
  5. Business Integrity
  6. Foreign Bribery and Lobbying
  7. Illicit finance
  8. Protection of whistleblowers
  9. Public Integrity
  10. Tax-related Measures
  11. Other themes

Title of the document

SADC Protocol against Corruption


Issuing body

Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)

Brief description

The SADC Protocol Against Corruption aims to promote and strengthen the development, within each Member State, of mechanisms needed to prevent, detect, punish and eradicate corruption in the public and private sector.

Relevant excerpts

Article 4: Preventive Measures

1 For the purposes set forth in Article II of the Protocol, each State Party undertakes to adopt measures, which will create, maintain and strengthen:

(a) standards of conduct for the correct, honourable and proper fulfilment of public duties as well as mechanisms to enforce these standards,

(b) systems of government hiring and procurement of goods and services that ensure the transparency, equity and efficiency of such system

(c) government revenue collection and control system that deter corruption as well as laws that denial favourable tax treatment for any individual or corporation for expenditures made in violation of the anti-corruption laws of the State Parties


  1. Introduction
  2. Anti-Corruption Agencies and Supreme Audit Institutions
  3. Access to Information
  4. Asset Recovery and International Cooperation
  5. Business Integrity
  6. Foreign Bribery and Lobbying
  7. Illicit finance
  8. Protection of whistleblowers
  9. Public Integrity
  10. Tax-related Measures
  11. Other themes


Jorum Duri



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