G20 High-Level Principles on Private Sector Transparency and Integrity (2015)

  1. Introduction
  2. Anti-Corruption Agencies and Supreme Audit Institutions
  3. Access to Information
  4. Asset Recovery and International Cooperation
  5. Business Integrity
  6. Foreign Bribery and Lobbying
  7. Illicit finance
  8. Protection of whistleblowers
  9. Public Integrity
  10. Tax-related Measures
  11. Other themes

Title of the document

High-Level Principles on Private Sector Transparency and Integrity


Issuing body


Brief description

The High-Level Principles are intended to complement and raise awareness of more detailed international guidelines and principles for combatting corruption, such as the Anti -corruption Ethics and Compliance Handbook for Business prepared at the request of the G20 by UNODC, OECD and the World Bank and the UNODC An Anti-Corruption Ethics and Compliance Programme for Business: A Practical Guide.

Relevant excerpts

1. Businesses should have a clear and accessible policy on prohibiting corruption.

2. Senior management, as well as the board of directors as appropriate, should clearly express and commit to the business’s internal controls and ethics and compliance program, good corporate governance, transparency and integrity, for the detection and prevention of corruption. The internal controls and ethics and compliance programs must be enforced at all levels within the business, and senior managers must set the proper tone at the top for employees to follow.

16. Appropriate corrective and disciplinary action should be taken for failure to comply with internal controls and the ethics and compliance program.

17. Effective and easily accessible reporting mechanisms and whistle-blower protection should be provided to employees and others who report, on good faith and reasonable grounds, breaches of the law, or violations of the business’s policies and procedures. Businesses should undertake appropriate action in response to such reports


  1. Introduction
  2. Anti-Corruption Agencies and Supreme Audit Institutions
  3. Access to Information
  4. Asset Recovery and International Cooperation
  5. Business Integrity
  6. Foreign Bribery and Lobbying
  7. Illicit finance
  8. Protection of whistleblowers
  9. Public Integrity
  10. Tax-related Measures
  11. Other themes


Jorum Duri



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