U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre

This Anti-Corruption Helpdesk brief was produced in response to a query from a U4 Partner Agency. The U4 Helpdesk is operated by Transparency International in collaboration with the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre based at the Chr. Michelsen Institute.


Please provide anti-corruption measures for locally led climate actions.


Climate change interventions (i.e., mitigation and adaptation actions) are put at risk by corruption. Locally led climate actions involving actors on the ‘frontlines of climate change’ tend to be context specific and yield higher returns. Anti-corruption tools give climate change practitioners a better chance to deliver successful climate mitigation and adaptation projects. Such measures include enabling access to information on key subjects to the community, effective monitoring of projects by local leaders, setting up robust complaints mechanisms and whistleblower protection strategies.


  1. Background
  2. Anti-corruption measures that can be applied to locally led climate actions
  3. References

Main points

  • Locally led climate actions are particularly important as they are informed by first-hand local knowledge which is foundational to designing and implementing successful adaptation strategies.
  • Anti-corruption tools give climate change practitioners a better chance to deliver successful climate mitigation and adaptation projects.
  • Illustrative anti-corruption measures that can be applied to locally led climate actions include but are not limited to encouraging public participation, using social accountability tools, streamlining climate finance, and focusing on monitoring, learning and evaluation (MEL), amongst others.
  • Locally led climate actions need to consider voices of vulnerable groups and recognise appropriate focus areas for interventions from the start to be effective.


There is limited information in the public domain for anti-corruption measures specifically pertaining to locally led climate actions. For the purpose of this paper, climate actions have been understood in a broad sense to include all types of climate change interventions (i.e., mitigation and adaptation actions). This answer aims to present illustrative anti-corruption measures that can be adapted to specific local contexts.


Kaunain Rahman (TI), [email protected]


Saul Mullard (U4), [email protected]

Dana Schran and Brice Böhmer (TI), [email protected]




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