Please provide an overview of corruption risk assessment and management approaches in the public sector. Please provide country examples.
This paper would be used as guidance on how to design a corruption risk assessment and management methodology for public institutions.
Overview of corruption risk assessment
Tools and country examples
The purpose of a corruption risk assessment and management exercise is to identify and address specific institutional structures, systems and processes which may be more vulnerable to corruption. It often results in an anti-corruption plan.
There is no one-size-fits-all methodology to corruption risk assessment and management. Many different approaches exist with various elements. Some good practices emerge in terms of who should participate in the process: the institution assessed, of course, but also relevant stakeholders such as the institution’s users, the national institution or entity responsible for ensuring public sector integrity (court of audit, anti-corruption agency or ombudsman), civil society organisations, and other external experts. It is also considered good practice to use various data sources to ensure a certain level of quality and reliability of the findings.
Several corruption risk assessment and management tools as well as country methodology examples are presented in this document.