This Anti-Corruption Helpdesk brief was produced in response to a query from the European Commission. The Anti-Corruption Helpdesk is operated by Transparency International and funded by the European Union.
Can you briefly describe the issue of corruption in Honduras, specifically: the type of corruption (public-private; politicisation and executive interference; grand/petty corruption; organised crime; bribery; nepotism; fraud; abuse of authority; misappropriation of public funds), the sectors affected and the existing institutions to fight against it?
1. Overview of corruption in Honduras
2. Governance structure and anti-corruption efforts
in Honduras
3. References
Honduras is among the poorest and most violent countries in the world. Plagued by widespread corruption, criminal activities and impunity, the country is struggling to cope with the political, social and economic consequences of the 2009 coup, as well as the effects of illicit drug trafficking for which Honduras has become a major transit point. Corruption-related challenges in the country are a result of widespread nepotism and clientelism, entrenched organised crime activities, and political corruption. Corruption takes many forms (for example, bribery, favouritism and undue influence) and affects many of the country’s sectors and institutions, such as the public administration and the education sector. However, one of the biggest areas of concerns is corruption within the security forces and the judiciary, which enables organised crime activities and perpetuates a “culture of impunity” in the country.
The government’s efforts to fight corruption include the enactment of a transparency law, obliging government institutions to publish online all information related to their expenditures and hiring, for example. In addition, a new law to fight corruption within the security forces and a commission to implement and oversee the enforcement of the law have been established in 2012. It remains to be seen whether the government’s commitments to fight corruption and crime will bring about the expected results.
Maíra Martini, Transparency International, [email protected]
Marie Chêne, Transparency International; Alejandro Salas, Transparency International