This Anti-Corruption Helpdesk brief was produced in response to a query from the European Commission. The Anti-Corruption Helpdesk is operated by Transparency International and funded by the European Union.
Can you provide an overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Georgia?
1. Overview of corruption in Georgia
2. Anti-corruption efforts in Georgia
3. References
Georgia has repeatedly achieved impressive results in most governance indicators since 2004. Lately the country has often been depicted as a “good student” of the fight against corruption.
After the “Rose Revolution”, the newly elected government placed anti-corruption at the top of its political agenda and strived to eradicate petty corruption through massive reforms in the public sector. Despite the success of these measures, corruption, in its other forms, remains widespread in Georgia. The concentration of power within the executive branch, coupled with the weakness of the key state institutions (for example the judiciary) and external watchdogs (for example the media), create serious opportunities for abuse of power at the highest levels of government.
This lack of checks and balances provides opportunities for the country’s most influential officials to operate with low levels of transparency and accountability, and to fraudulently use resources for their maintenance in power. Entrenched corruption, strong patronage networks, and a lack of clear separation between private enterprise and public office significantly challenge democracy and good governance in Georgia.
Erekle Urushadze, Transparency International Georgia, [email protected]
Marie Chêne, Tinatin Ninua, Sofia Wickberg, Transparency International