Transparency International

This Anti-Corruption Helpdesk brief was produced in response to a query from one of Transparency International’s national chapters. The Anti-Corruption Helpdesk is operated by Transparency International and funded by the European Union.


Please provide an overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Mauritius.


Mauritius often serves as the model for other African nations when it comes to development, democracy and human rights protection. Although the country has made strides in becoming a financial centre, recent scandals have tarnished its reputation internationally.

Corruption and impunity are viewed as problems, with nepotism causing dissatisfaction among the general populace. The country must also tighten as well as implement regulations on money laundering and illicit financial flows. With the upcoming general elections in late 2019, it remains to be seen which direction the country chooses for itself.


  1. Background

  2. Extent of corruption

  3. Nature of corruption challenges

  4. Sectors affected by corruption

  5. Legal framework

  6. Institutional framework

  7. Other stakeholders

Main points

  • The country does fairly well to control corruption compared to other countries in the region.
  • However, corruption and impunity are issues especially with regard to nepotism and cronyism.
  • The robust set of anti corruption laws need more efficient implementation.
  • Regulatory bodies may at times need more “teeth” to counter corruption.
  • The government needs to crack down on Illicit financial flows and money laundering.


Kaunain Rahman, [email protected]


Jon Vrushi, Transparency International, Rajen Bablee, Transparency Mauritius




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