
Bertram Lang is a Research Fellow and Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Centre for East Asia Studies (IZO) at Goethe University Frankfurt, and co-founder of the Global China Hub. His expertise is in China's foreign policy and impact on international norms, with a focus on anti-corruption efforts, the non-profit sector and EU-China relations. Building on his prior experience as a researcher and policy advisor at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (Merics), Bertram has been working as a China strategy advisor for European policy-makers, NGOs and risk consultancies. He has published both academic articles and policy analyses (e.g. for the OECD's research edge series) on China's global anti-corruption and law enforcement agenda.

Selected publications:

“China’s anti-graft campaign and international anti-corruption norms: Towards a “new international anti-corruption order”?", in: Crime, Law and Social Change 70 (3), 2018, 331–347, DOI: 10.1007/s10611-017-9742-y.

“Strategic Corruption”, in: Sousa, Luís de /Coroado, Susana (Eds.): Encyclopaedia of Corruption, Edward Elgar Publishing (forthcoming).

“The Undeclared China Model of Anti-Corruption: How Chinese Anti-Corruption Frames Diverge From Globalized Norm”s, in: Konstantinos Tsimonis & Fernanda Odilla Vasconcellos De Figueiredo (Eds.): Corruption in the Global South, Palgrave Macmillan (forthcoming).

“China's 'Anti-Corruption' Campaign Under Xi Jinping: Framing Catastrophe and Catharsis in a Never-Ending Crisis”, in: Jörg Baberowski & Martin Wagner (Eds.): Crises in authoritarian regimes. Fragile Orders and Contested Power, Campus: Frankfurt/ New York, 2022, 79-113.

(with Heike Holbig) “China's Overseas NGO Law and the Future of International Civil Society”, in: Journal of Contemporary Asia, 52 (4), 2022, 574-601, DOI: 10.1080/00472336.2021.1955292.

“Framing and Localizing Anti-Corruption Norms in Transnational Civil Society Organisations: Transparency International in Portugal”, in: Journal of Civil Society, 17 (2) 2021, 155-178, DOI: 10.1080/17448689.2021.1925405.

Policy Papers:

(with Marina Rudyak) “Cooperation with Chinese actors on anti-corruption: Environmental governance as a pilot area”, U4 Issue 2022/2, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute,

“China and global integrity-building: Challenges and prospects for engagement”, U4 Issue 2019/7, ed. by David Jackson, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute,

“Engaging China in the fight against transnational bribery: ‘Operation Skynet’ as a new opportunity for OECD countries”, OECD ResearchEdge Series, 03/2017.

(with Thomas Eder, Moritz Rudolf) “China's Global Law Enforcement Drive: The Need for a European Response”, MERICS China Monitor 36,


Bertram Lang


Interdisciplinary Centre for East Asian Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt

Professional Title

Research Associate


  • Asia Pacific




Anti-corruption campaigns

Corruption and norms
Civil society and anti-corruption
International anti-corruption cooperation
Corruption and anti-corruption in East Asia

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