Matt works as Research and Knowledge Coordinator at Transparency International. His main responsibilities lie with the Anti-Corruption Helpdesk. In addition he has led on TI's research engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals, producing a resource guide and a parallel reporting methodology.
Monitoring Corruption and Anti-Corruption in the Sustainable Development Goals: A Resource Guide
Multilateral development banks’ integrity management systems
Models of donor coordination for managing multi-donor inputs
Overview of corruption risk management approaches in development assistance
The impact of corruption on access to safe water and sanitation for people living in poverty
How could anti-corruption interventions tackling global corruption benefit the UK?
Political Corruption
Defining lobbyists and regulating lobbying in Europe
Ineligibilities for elected office arising from criminal law decisions
Best practice on preventing the abuse of public resources
Public sector
Topic Guide on Public Sector Integrity
Topic Guide on Codes of Conduct
Topic Guide on Conflicts of Interest
Topic Guide on Asset and Income Disclosure
Trade and private sector
Anti-corruption and transparency provisions in trade agreements
Literature review of impact of corruption on export decisions and FDI
Country profiles
Matthew Jenkins
Transparency International Secretariat
Professional Title
Knowledge and Research Coordinator
Historical attitudes to and conceptions of corruption