
Dr. Sutthi Suntharanurak is the auditor and researcher of Office of the Auditor General of Thailand. Presently, he is the Director of Academic Division at International Affairs Office. He received his PhD in Economics (International program) from School of Development Economics, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA).

His PhD dissertation is about Screening for Bid Rigging in Rural Road Procurement of Thailand (In English) which attempted to explain how to screen bid rigging behavior in public procurement market. He has a Master in Economics from NIDA and a Bachelor in Economics from Thammasat University.

His research interests include economics of corruption and anti-corruption approach, auditing public procurement and public private partnership (PPP), good governance, and national integrity system. In 2008, he got a certificate of the Economics of Corruption: A University Training in Good Governance and Reform by University of Passau, Germany.

He participated the International Good practices Seminar on Strengthening Integrity of the Public Sector, organized by the State Audit Office of Hungary, Hungary in 2014. He is a delegate of OAG Thailand in Knowledge Sharing Committee of ASEANSAI.

During 2012-2014, as a delegate of OAG Thailand he was selected for the research team of Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) which studied about Audit to detect fraud and corruption: Evaluation of the fight against corruption and money laundering.

In 2015, his two papers in anti-corruption area were published. The first study is the Nexus between Economics and Law in Anti-Corruption in Local Government (In Thai) which supported funding by the Thailand Research Fund. For the second one, it is about strengthening the Role of Civil Society to Combat Corruption in Public Procurement (In Thai) which submitted Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

He was a representative of OAG Thailand to participate the 6th session of the working group on prevention of UNODC at Vienna, Austria. In addition, he was selected to be a resource person of INTOSAI Development Initiatives (IDI) programme on SAI and Anti-Corruption.

Sutthi Suntharanurak


Office of the Auditor General of Thailand

Professional Title



  • Asia Pacific




Dr. Sutthi Suntharanurak's research interests include Economics of Corruption and Anti-Corruption approach, Auditing Public Procurement and Public Private Partnership (PPP), Good governance, and National Integrity System also Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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