
David Jancsics is an associate professor of public administration in the School of Public Affairs at San Diego State University Imperial Valley Campus. Prior to joining the SDSU-IV faculty, he taught at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Rutgers University in the School of Public Affairs and Administration. His general fields of interest are public management, organizational theory and economic sociology. The more specific areas of his research involve corruption, informal practices and white-collar crime. His current research agenda focuses on corruption on the US-Mexico border. His work has been published in various academic outlets, such as Public Administration Review, International Public Management Journal, Administration & Society, Public Integrity, and Crime, Law and Social Change. He frequently consults with international organizations and NGOs such as the United Nations, European Commission, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, and Transparency International.

Recent publications

2020 David Jancsics. Corruption in Border Administration. In Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration, edited by Adam Graycar. Edward Elgar.

2019 David Jancsics. Law Enforcement Corruption along the U.S. Borders. Security Journal. Online First: 02 October 2019. 2019 David Jancsics. Border Corruption. Public Integrity. Vol. 21, No. 4. Pp. 406-419.

2019 David Jancsics. Corruption as Resource Transfer: An Interdisciplinary Synthesis. Public Administration Review. Vol. 79, No. 24. Pp. 523-537.

2018 Abel Polese, Borbála Kovács and David Jancsics. Informality ‘in spite of’ or ‘beyond’ the State: Evidence from Hungary and Romania. European Societies. Vol. 20, No. 2. Pp. 207-235.

2018 David Jancsics. Shell Companies and Government Corruption. In Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, edited by Ali Farazmand. Springer.

2018 David Jancsics. Brokerage. In Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, edited by Alena V. Ledeneva. UCL Press.

2018 David Jancsics. Stróman. In Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, edited by Alena V. Ledeneva. UCL Press.

2017 David Jancsics. Offshoring at Home? Domestic Use of Shell Companies for Corruption. Public Integrity. Vol. 19, No. 1. Pp. 4-21

David Jancsics


School of Public Affairs, San Diego State University - Imperial Valley Campus

Professional Title

Assistant Professor of Public Administration


  • Americas
  • Europe and Central Asia




- Corruption on the US-Mexico border
- Corruption in Central and Eastern Europe
- Organizational corruption
- White-collar crime
- Informal practices
- Qualitative research

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