
Ella Ndikumana is a Lawyer, a development professional who supports transparency and good governance. She followed the African Civic Engagement Academy at the University of Georgia.

Ella has an extensive experience as a researcher on corruption issues. She worked with ONG Global Integrity on research on integrity indicators in Africa and the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information(IDFI) on transparency in public procurement. Ella has professional experience at higher levels of responsibility in civil society, in the field of the fight against corruption, and in the management of anti-corruption projects. She has also worked with UNODC and AU on Fast-tracking UNCAC implementation and AUCPCC in Africa. She has good collaboration with government and civil society in anticorruption fieldwork.

Ndikumana Ella


Transparency International Burundi

Professional Title



  • Sub-Saharan Africa




Ella is an anti-corruption expert and has extensive experience in anti-corruption project management

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