Selected actors and stakeholders


UNESCO is the UN Agency responsible for education topics. The agency is an advocate for free and accessible primary education, and has worked under this mandate on several anti-corruption projects in education. UNESCO has several programmes and documents related to education governance and accountability.  

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD).  

The OECD is an intergovernmental economic organisation which extensively works on anti-corruption and bribery issues. The OECD’s directorate for education as well as the Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the OECD (ACN) is getting increasingly involved in education, including it in its regular corruption monitoring reports.  

Council of Europe.  

The Council of Europe (CoE) through its Pan-European Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education (ETINED) addresses corruption in education through European dialogue and by drawing upon the materials and norms developed by the CoE over the years.  

International Institute for Education Planning.  

A research institute within UNESCO, the IIEP focuses its work on education systems, specifically on internal governance structures and accountability, as well as gender and social inequality manifestations within these systems. The IIEP runs the Ethics and Corruption in Education Programme which is aimed at reshaping educational planning by taking into account transparency and accountability concerns. As part of its Ethics and Corruption in Education Programme, IIEP provides support to countries that are in the process of launching public expenditure tracking surveys (PETS), report cards and audits, or which are conducting an integrity assessment of their education sector.  

Education International.  

Education International is a federation of education workers' unions and individual teachers which promotes equity and quality in education, both for students and for teachers. The federation is an advocate for good governance in education and has frequently spoken out against mismanagement of funds destined for education, corruption in procurement and corruption at the point of service in education systems.  

Open Society Institute.  

The Open Society Institute has two operative areas, one on education and youth, another on governance and accountability, which frequently overlap to produce research and to fund projects related to education system integrity. Their website has access to national case studies in northern Africa and south-eastern Europe, as well as several documents dealing directly with transparency and accountability in the education sector. They have worked with local anti-corruption advocates like Anticorruption Student Network in South East Europe (ACSN SEE) and experts on these matters to add to their research.  

Anticorruption Student Network in South East Europe.  

Beginning in 2006, this coalition of students and higher education institutions in south Europe was formed to provide a collaborative space to identify corruption problems in higher education and to give students tools and formal avenues through which to identify and fight against corruption. The coalition has produced some research related to these topics and currently translating them into English. The coalition is made up of actors for Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Moldova.


Iñaki Albisu Ardigó; Marie Chêne


Matthew Jenkins

Contributing experts:

Umrbek Allakulov (Water Integrity Network)

Shaazka Beyerle (US Institute of Peace)

Simone Bloem (Center for Applied Policy)

Claire Grandadam (Water Integrity Network)

Jacques Hallak (Jules Verne University – Amiens)

Mihaylo Milovanovitch (Centre For Applied Policy)

Muriel Poisson (International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO)

Juanita Riano (Inter-American Development Bank)

Marc Y. Tassé (Canadian Centre of Excellence for Anti-Corruption)

Vítězslav Titl (University of Siegen)

Davide Torsello (Central European University Business School)

Patty Zakaria (Royal Roads University)



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