Quality control mechanisms

Quality control mechanisms involving bottom-up and top-down approaches are also important and complementary tools to address corruption in education. Bottom-up approaches usually involve students, teachers, parents and communities in monitoring the quality of education services against a set of national or regional standards (for example, structurally sound schools, availability of textbooks for students, teacher attendance) to identify problematic institutions or aggregate the sector’s areas of weaknesses. The use of citizen report cards or crowdsourcing platforms that can be used to inform advocacy campaigns and government efforts can be very fruitful, as in the case of the Check Your School initiative.

Using technology to address teachers' absenteeism in India

Technology has proved effective in monitoring the provision of education services and addressing teachers’ absenteeism in India. In an experiment conducted in a rural district in the state of Rajasthan, where the absentee rate was 44 per cent, teachers’ attendance was monitored with cameras and their salaries were linked to their attendance. Absenteeism declined by a fifth compared to a control group, and the pupils’ test scores went up. The cost of the programme was US$6 per child per year.[1]

Top-down approaches to quality control includes commissions or school boards responsible for overseeing academic quality and ethics. These bodies can be either established by governments or by service providers, but should ideally be independent to avoid the risk of political capture. Governance rankings of educational institutions can be used to promote greater transparency and incentivise good governance of educational institutions. Such governance rankings can be integrated as a dimension of centrally established university rankings, such as standard university league tables. The Romanian Academic Society, for example, produced a ranking that took into account transparency, academic integrity and enforcement of rules, and contributed to improved procurement transparency. The Academic Society – a Bucharest-based think-tank and NGO worked actively with universities to help them improve their rankings.[2]



Iñaki Albisu Ardigó; Marie Chêne


Matthew Jenkins

Contributing experts:

Umrbek Allakulov (Water Integrity Network)

Shaazka Beyerle (US Institute of Peace)

Simone Bloem (Center for Applied Policy)

Claire Grandadam (Water Integrity Network)

Jacques Hallak (Jules Verne University – Amiens)

Mihaylo Milovanovitch (Centre For Applied Policy)

Muriel Poisson (International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO)

Juanita Riano (Inter-American Development Bank)

Marc Y. Tassé (Canadian Centre of Excellence for Anti-Corruption)

Vítězslav Titl (University of Siegen)

Davide Torsello (Central European University Business School)

Patty Zakaria (Royal Roads University)



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