Non-conviction based confiscation and non-conviction based forfeiture are frequently cited as a solution in anti-corruption and asset recovery debates. To what extent is there evidence of their success?
Background to NCB proceedings
The prevalence of NCB proceedings
Success factors of NCB proceedings
Advantages of NCB proceedings
Important considerations for using NCB proceedings
The effectiveness of NCB proceedings
Global data on the recovery of assets using NCB proceedings
National data on the recovery of assets using NCB proceedings
Limitations in data availability
Main Points
— Non-conviction based (NCB) proceedings are perceived by practitioners as a useful complement to criminal law approaches to corruption, particularly in situations where criminal law cannot adequately respond.
— NCB proceedings should not be seen as separate to criminal proceedings but as a part of a joined-up approach.
— Available data further suggests that NCB proceedings tend to recover proportionally more assets than criminal proceedings and lead to a higher proportion of frozen assets being ultimately confiscated.
— Additional data sources and more granularity in that data would help to gain a deeper understanding of the success levels of NCB proceedings