
This paper reports on the results of a two-year stocktaking exercise to map the field of corruption assessments, undertaken as part of Transparency International’s GATEway project. Based on an analysis of more than 500 diagnostic tools, it presents some of the key trends and themes in corruption assessment work, and identifies important gaps which may need to be filled.

Among other things, the report notes a growing trend away from multi-country awareness-raising tools towards more country-, sector- and context-specific work, coupled with an increasing focus on transparency, accountability and integrity in order to monitor progress in the fight against corruption.

To advance the field of corruption assessment, the report recommends: (a) ensuring easier access to official government data, (b) better use of a broader range of data sources, (c) more predictable long-term donor support for ongoing monitoring of (anti-)corruption trends, and (d) more systematic exchange of lessons learned in the application of corruption assessment methods in different contexts.


Andy McDevitt, Transparency International




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