
This topic guide presents an overview of land corruption in rural and urban areas. 

In its first part, it looks at the social costs of corruption in land governance and pays attention to the forms that corruption takes at different levels of land governance such as policy making, legal processes and administrative processes. 

The second part presents different ways in which land corruption is being counteracted. To illustrate how those anti-corruption approaches are being implemented, it includes successful experiences from all around the world with concrete ideas to fight land corruption. 

In its third part, this topic guide compiles a list of resources to learn more about the topic, including background studies, standards and guidelines, data sets and a list of main stakeholders and actors working on the issue from different perspectives; as well as handbooks and tool-kits with practical suggestions to implement in the field. 


  1. The importance of addressing land corruption
  2. The landscape of corruption
  3. Areas of corruption
  4. Anti-corruption approaches
  5. Resources


Nieves Zúñiga, Transparency International. [email protected]


Marie Chêne, Annette Jaitner




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