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      A selection of emerging practices in asset freezing, tracing and confiscation

      • asset recovery
      • civil society
      • technology
      • asset freezes
      • sanctions
      • blockchain

      Public Financial Management: A Guide for Civil Society Actors

      • open government
      • budget transparency
      • public procurement
      • civil society
      • public financial management
      • social accountability
      • participatory budget
      • budget monitoring
      • financial accountability
      • supreme audit institutions

      Parliaments and civic space

      • civil society
      • csos
      • parliament
      • civic space

      The best practices and evidence on anti-corruption initiatives supported by civil society organisations in fragile states

      • civil society
      • fragile states
      • reporting corruption

      The implications of spyware and surveillance technology for anti-corruption activists

      • humanitarian operations
      • civil society
      • risk
      • information and communication technologies icts

      Lobbying regulations and civil society organisations

      • lobbying
      • civil society
      • civic space

      Civil society interventions to enhance parliamentary oversight

      • civil society
      • accountability
      • parliamentary oversight

      Engaging Reluctant Duty Bearers: Considerations and Strategies for Civil Society Organisations

      • civil society
      • public officials
      • civic space

      The impacts of AML/CFT regulations on civic space and human rights

      • civil society
      • aml
      • human rights
      • regulations
      • AML/CFT

      Experiences of compliance reviews by CSOs: Lessons learned and challenges

      • civil society
      • citizen report cards
      • corruption
      • compliance reviews
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      Responsive versions of the site in progress.