
Dr. Ina Kubbe is a Post-Doctoral Fellow working at the Department of Political Science at Tel Aviv University where she is currently researching on the norms and values of the Israeli and Palestinian society related to the conflict.

She obtained her PhD from Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany, in 2013 about ”Corruption in Europe: Is it all about Democracy?”. Ina is specialized in comparative research on empirical democracy and governance research, corruption as well as political psychology – with a special on Europe and the Middle East – and methodology, in particular quantitative and experimental methods.

She has already published several books and articles on corruption and democracy in leading journals and publishers. Ina had several academic stays abroad such as Russia, Sweden or the U.S.


Ina Kubbe


Tel Aviv University / Department of Political Science

Professional Title

Post-Doctoral Researcher


  • Europe and Central Asia
  • Middle East and North Africa




Comparative Research on Democracy, Political Corruption, Peace and Conflict Resolution, Political Culture Research – with a special focus on Europe and the Middle East, Social Science Methods, in particular quantitative, experimental and mixed methods.

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