
Dr. Nieves Zúñiga received her PhD in Political Science from the University of Essex in the UK. After her PhD she was Research Fellow at the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham working on the EU’s ANTICORRP project. At Nottingham she analyzed the anticorruption policies in Bolivia and Rwanda and worked on the idea of integrity management to fight corruption.

Nieves has extensive experience as a researcher and public speaker on socio-political issues developed in the UK and in Spain, and she is specialized in qualitative research methods with fieldwork experience in Latin America and Africa.  Since 2017 she has been supporting the work of TI Helpdesk. Besides the Helpdesk, she provides research support to a TI project on state capture in the Western Balkans. 

Selected publications 


  • ‘Harmful rents and rent-seeking’ – U4 Expert Answer, Transparency International.
  • ‘Land corruption. Topic Guide’ – Transparency International.

In progress:  

  • ‘The impact of islands of integrity’, U4 Expert Answer, Transparency International.
  • (with Paul Heywood) ‘Making Anti-corruption Policies Work: Compliance vs Values in Bolivia’
  • (with Paul Heywood) ‘Government Leadership in Shaping the Value of Social Accountability: Lessons from the Bolivian Experience’
  • (with Paul Heywood, Heather Marquette, Caryn Peiffer) ‘Promoting Integrity and Fighting Corruption in Rwanda’
  • (with Diego Maiorano) ‘Making Poverty Reduction Accountable in India. What makes social audits in Andhra Pradesh the only successful experience in social monitoring to reduce corruption in India’

Online publications  

Edited books and book chapters    

  • “Redefining Indigeneity in the Process of Decolonising Bolivia”, in D. Boswell, R. O’Shea and E. Tzadik (eds.), Interculturalism, Meaning and Identity (e-Book), Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013.
  • (co-editor) “La Declaración sobre los derechos de los pueblos indigenas como instrumento para la convivencia intercultural y la cohesión social”, in Alvarez, N., Oliva, D., Zúñiga, N. (eds.), Declaración sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas. Hacia un Mundo Intercultural y Sostenible, La Catarata, 2009, pp. 109-128.
  • “Redefinición de la democracia en la región andina: nuevos actores y propuestas indígenas”, in Poder y Democracia. Los Retos del Multilateralismo. Anuario CIP 2006, CIP-FUHEM, Icaria, Barcelona, 2006, pp. 313-333.
  • “Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú: emergencia social e inestabilidad”, in Cartografías del Poder. Hegemonía y Respuestas. Anuario CIP 2005, CIP-FUHEM, Icaria, Barcelona, 2005, pp. 277-293.

Articles in blogs, non-peer reviewed journals and newspapers

  • (with Paul Heywood) ‘Cleaning Up La Paz. How Bolivia’s biggest city freed itself from a ubiquitous culture of corruption’, Foreign Policy, Sept 11, 2015:
  • (with Paul Heywood) ‘Anti-corruption in Bolivia: fighting greed or attitudes?’, Developmental Leadership Program blog, June 29, 2015:
  • “International interventions: when are they a right or an obligation?: A dialogue between Daniele Archibugi and David Chandler”, Ethics & Global Politics, Coaction Publishing, Vol. 2, no. 2, 2009, pp. 155-169.
  • “Calidad democrática en sociedades multiculturales: el debate sobre los derechos”, Papeles de Relaciones Ecosociales y Cambio Global, Nº 99, CIP-Ecosocial, Icaria, Madrid, autumn 2007, pp. 75-89.


  • (with Paul Heywood, Heather Marquette, Caryn Peiffer) Report on Integrity and Integrity Management in Public Life, February 2017, University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham – report for EU project ANTICORRP
  • La reforma de Naciones Unidas: entre el juego político y la coherencia, CIP-FUHEM, July 2005, Madrid.
  • “United Nations Peacebuilding: Challenging Coherence”, July 2005, Madrid.


Nieves Zúñiga


Transparency International

Professional Title

Knowledge and Research Coordinator


  • Americas
  • Europe and Central Asia
  • Sub-Saharan Africa



Email Address

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