
Founding member of the Intellectual Movement "Lebed" (The Swan) and became its vice-president. Was responsible for fundraising, financial and operational management, government and public relations. Implemented Projects which were connecting Civic activism, Government Relations, Business and Local Communities.

In the same year, joined to Transparency International Movement. Where built a regional network with 50+ employees and implemented several IT Projects.

In 2012 my project "Problem map of Vladimir" got an award from US Mission to the OSCE.

In the beginning of 2015, joined a non-profit organization which supports civic activism and explores the situation with Human Right in Russia. At the same time, started exploring Startup Community and Ecosystem in Berlin. In the end of 2015, launched first startup and got rich experience in this area.

In 2017 joined Cybersecurity startup to scale it to world-leading security ecosystem.

Alexander Elkin


Transparency International Russia

Professional Title

Strategy and Project Manager


  • Europe and Central Asia
  • Middle East and North Africa




Transparency; Information technology; ALAC; People engagement; Management; Finance; Development; Compliance; Blockchain; CyberSecurity

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