
Ashutosh Kr Mishra is working to bring to the fore the agenda of good governance at the pan-India level. At present, he is Consultant to Partnership for Transparency (PTF) and worked as Independent Consultant for Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST) and Commonwealth Secretariat.

Prior to that he was involved, as Consultant for the project “Promotion & Adoption of Responsible Business Practices by Corporates in India”, under the Global Siemens Integrity Initiative implemented by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

He is former Executive Director, Transparency International India. He specializes in areas of Public Procurement, Anti-Corruption Programs, and Promotion of Ethical Business Practices in Organizations, to name a few. He has conducted various training programs covering issues related to ethics & transparency in business for the officers of the public as well private sector companies.

He has also published various research papers and articles in the areas of public procurement, corporate governance, public policy, Integrity Pact among others.

Ashutosh has multi-disciplinary background vouched by his two bachelor’s degrees; Mineral Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-ISM), Dhanbad and Bachelor of Laws from Delhi University, Delhi foremostly, followed by Management Program in Public Policy from Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad. He has 12 years of professional experience of working with the public and private sector in areas of public policy and governance

Ashutosh Mishra


Partnership For Transparency Fund (PTF)

Professional Title



  • Asia Pacific




Public Procurement, Integrity Pacts, Governance-Research, Corporate Training, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

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