What are the measures to curb corruption in the traffic police in Rwanda and with what results?
In the last few years, the Rwanda National Police (RNP) has adopted the reduction of corruption as one of its main objectives. Despite the positive social consideration of their work, the police is still perceived as one of the most corrupt institutions, and traffic police, in particular. Their efforts to curb corruption involve the collaboration with other public institutions and civil society organisations working against corruption, and include preventive and reactive measures.
Introduction: Overview of corruption in the police in Rwanda
Anti-corruption efforts by the police
Main points
The police in Rwanda is one of the institutions most trusted, but, at the same time, it is perceived as highly corrupt.
To ensure the well-being of police officers, discipline and ethics are considered key to prevent corruption.
Investigation and encouraging citizens to report corrupt actions are measures against corruption exercised by the police.
Guillaume Nicaise, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Paul Banoba, Transparency International, and Apollinaire Mupiganyi, Transparency International Rwanda