This Anti-Corruption Helpdesk brief was produced in response to a query from a U4 Partner Agency. The U4 Helpdesk is operated by Transparency International in collaboration with the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre based at the Chr. Michelsen Institute.
Please provide an overview on the methods to counter corruption in Tunisia. What stakeholders exist (anti-corruption agencies, supreme audit institutions, law enforcement, the courts and the prosecution service, civil society, etc.), what are their respective mandates, and how successful are they in countering corruption?
There have been mixed results in the efforts of Tunisia’s legislative and institutional anti-corruption framework. Several independent bodies conceived in the wake of the revolution have yet to be established. In addition, several of those that have been established have insufficient resources to fully carry out their mandate. Nevertheless, significant asset recoveries from former regime leaders have been successful. Recently introduced legislation, such as whistleblower protection laws, are also positive steps. However, some government policies and legislation are viewed as contrary to the anti-corruption effort
Main points
- Corruption is still prevalent in post revolution Tunisia, although said to be democratised rather than centred around a few key individuals.
- Anti-corruption agencies have been established, but they lack the resources to effectively conduct their work.
- Important laws on access to information and whistleblowers have recently been passed. The effectiveness of these laws is yet to be seen.
- Overview of corruption in Tunisia
- Main areas affected by corruption
- Legal and institutional anti-corruption framework
- Other stakeholders
- References
Krista Lee-Jones, [email protected]
Kinda Hattar, Transparency International and Cecilie Wathne, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre