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      The State of Public Participation in Budget Processes: Multi-Country Assessment Trends & Findings

      • budget transparency
      • budgets
      • assessment
      • participatory budget
      • budget monitoring

      Public Financial Management: A Guide for Civil Society Actors

      • open government
      • budget transparency
      • public procurement
      • civil society
      • public financial management
      • social accountability
      • participatory budget
      • budget monitoring
      • financial accountability
      • supreme audit institutions

      Assessing Public Participation in Budget Processes: Assessment Toolkit & Indicators

      • budget transparency
      • budgets
      • assessment methodologies
      • assessment
      • participatory budget
      • budget monitoring

      Participatory Budgeting: a Primer on Public Participation in Budget Processes

      • budget transparency
      • budgets
      • participatory budget
      • public participation
      • budget monitoring

      Local Government Development in Kazakhstan: An Analysis of Fourth Level Budgets.

      • budgets
      • local government
      • participatory budget
      • budget monitoring

      Semiannual Report on the 2017 Budget - Palestine

      • budgets
      • participatory budget
      • budget monitoring
      • AMAN (TI Palestine)

      Suivi budgétaire par la société civile

      • budget transparency
      • civil society
      • budget monitoring

      Civil society budget monitoring

      • civil society
      • budget monitoring

      The Palestinian Public Budget: Estimated vs. Actual

      • budget transparency
      • public financial management
      • budgets
      • public sector
      • budget monitoring
      • AMAN (TI Palestine)

      Topic guide on corruption in the budget process

      • budget transparency
      • budgets
      • participatory budget
      • budget monitoring
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      Responsive versions of the site in progress.