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      The relationship between electoral integrity and corruption

      • political corruption
      • political finance
      • electoral fraud
      • media independence
      • elections
      • election campaign
      • Democracy

      Limits on political donations: global practices and its effectiveness on political integrity and equality

      • political finance
      • political financing
      • political integrity

      Political finance oversight: Key institutions and mechanisms in sub-Saharan Africa

      • political finance
      • political party financing
      • oversight mechanisms

      Designing Political Integrity Risk Indicators: a How-To Guide in 11 Steps

      • indicators
      • political finance
      • corruption measurement

      Analysis of public accountability mechanisms in six Caribbean countries

      • political finance
      • access to information
      • conflicts of interest
      • public sector integrity
      • income and asset declaration

      Data files for CariPAM report: Analysis of public accountability mechanisms in six Caribbean countries

      • political finance
      • access to information
      • conflicts of interest
      • public sector integrity
      • income and asset declaration

      Financement de la vie politique française: l'urgence d'une réforme

      • political finance
      • campaign finance
      • electoral campaigns
      • political parties
      • political financing

      The role of political party finance reform in the transition from dominant to competitive party systems

      • political finance
      • international standards

      Businesses’ lobbying practices

      • lobbying
      • political finance
      • revolving door
      • state capture
      • private sector
      • conflict of interest
      • undue influence
      • lobbying strategy

      Cash Transfers for Social Assistance - Investigative Working Paper

      • political finance
      • financial sector
      • financial integrity
      • finance
      • political financing
      • financial crisis
      • financial secrecy
      • transparence financiere
      • financial accountability
      • AMAN (TI Palestine)
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      Responsive versions of the site in progress.