
Denisse Rodriguez-Olivari is a Visiting Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance – European University Institute. Her doctoral dissertation sheds light on the effects of the judicialisation of grand-corruption in the Lava Jato era in Peru and Brazil. She also works as an international consultant for NGOs, international donors and governments, where she led projects on public integrity, electoral finance, gender and corruption, corruption control, among others.

With an academic background in political science, law and international, she holds a master in international development with a specialisation in Politics and Governance from the University of Manchester. After obtaining her BSc in Political Science and Government from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, she continued her studies at Sciences Po. She also completed a postgraduate certificate from the London School of Economics while participating in the Hansard Research Scholar Programme.

She added Portuguese to Spanish, her mother tongue, and she is fluent in English, French and Italian. She has a working knowledge of German.

Denisse Rodriguez-Olivari


European University Institute / Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin

Professional Title

Research Fellow




Judicialization of grand-corruption; transnational corruption; non-prosecutorial mechanisms to fight corruption; asset recovery; corruption in the judiciary; political integrity; revolving doors; conflict of interest; money in politics; corruption in the private sector; corruption in infrastructure; gender and corruption; sport and corruption.

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