
The right to access information relates closely to the democratic principles of transparency,

integrity, and accountability. AMAN believes that transparency and accountability are mutually
reinforcing concepts. Transparency entails public institutions being open in both their operations
and their relationship with citizens, and requires them to make their procedures, purposes and
objectives public.
Similarly, AMAN believes there can be no accountability without access to information.
Accountability dictates that officials provide periodic reports and updates on the results and efficacy
of their actions and requires the free flow of information to the public to enable them to access facts,
expose errors and irregularities, and to hold officials responsible. AMAN believes access to
information is a crosscutting issue required for a strong national integrity system and a key part of a
preventive strategy to combat corruption and its effects. 

This report is part of the larger, region-wide Addressing Corruption Through Information and
Organised Networking (ACTION) project. In this report, the Coalition for Accountability and
Integrity (AMAN) provides an in-depth study into Palestinian access to information laws and
regulations for the promotion of integrity, transparency and accountability in the operation of public
institutions. AMAN prepared this report in cooperation with Transparency International as part of the
ACTION project. 


The Coalition for Accountability and Integrity -AMAN




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