EU Resource Centre

This Anti-Corruption Helpdesk brief was produced in response to a query from the European Commission. The Anti-Corruption Helpdesk is operated by Transparency International and funded by the European Union


Can you share a good example of a national anti-corruption strategy? Is there any experience in the world, particularly from developing countries or countries in transition, where the anti-corruption strategy is a synthetic document of coordination of other strategies/policies already in place with strong monitoring and evaluation indicators for each of the anti-corruption areas?


1. Good practice in designing and implementing anti-corruption strategies
2. Examples of national anti-corruption strategies
3. References


There is no one-size–fits-all solution when it comes to the design and implementation of anti-corruption strategies. Experience has shown that the effectiveness of a national anti-corruption strategy will depend to a great extent on whether it has been designed taking into consideration the country’s context and main corruption challenges. Furthermore, political will and coordination with other on-going efforts to fight corruption and improve governance in the country is instrumental. In addition, anti-corruption strategies should include a strong and manageable monitoring and evaluation system that provides for participation of civil society organisations and other external stakeholders.
While many countries have adopted strategies aimed at coordinating government efforts in different sectors and institutions, and at monitoring and evaluating progress, there are not so many successful examples when it comes to implementation. In general, the implementation and impact of these strategies have so far been limited. This answer thus looks at the new strategy enacted in Romania, which takes into consideration the lessons learned and failures from previous anti-corruption strategies, and seems to be a more concise document that emphasises coordination as well as monitoring and evaluation.


Maíra Martini, Transparency International, [email protected]


Robin Hodess PhD, Transparency International




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