
This paper intends to identify the major areas of concerns – both from a transparency and anti-corruption perspective – with regard to a ‘new generation’ of trade agreements with a focus on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), and the Transpacific Partnership (TPP).

The structure of the report follows the timeline of a typical trade negotiation. It explores the different phases leading up to the conclusion of a trade agreement, from the political decision to launch negotiations all the way to the ratification of the final text. For each stage it examines the extent of transparency and ensuing risks of corruption.

While the focus is predominantly on TTIP, CETA, and TPP, the analysis is also relevant for future agreements of this kind, since the outcomes of the currently negotiated agreements are likely to also shape the standards and practices of future accords in this area.


  1. Introduction
  2. Trade Negotiations
  3. Trade Agreements
  4. Future Avenues for Strengthening Anti-Corruption in Trade Agreements


Alberto Alemanno, Jean Monnet Professor of European Union Law, HEC Paris
Marianna Karttunen, PhD Researcher, European University Institute




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